Monday, April 27, 2015

Student web tools! -

What Student Web Tool did you select? The tool I picked is and it's an online photo editing site.

Describe why you selected this tool. The reason I selected this tool is because there are all sorts of tools on the internet, yet most don't give you direct control as this one does. For example, say you have an idea for an invention, this tool provides you with the space to build and flesh out all the details you may have for that idea.

What was most important to you? For me it was that it's free, ideally we want the tools we use to be free, and quick to produce the given need we have, and this tool does exactly that! I think it's something everyone should check out, and see just how simple, easy and exciting the potential it holds.

How easy is the tool to use? 
Simply click start editing, and you're on your way to take any image, and do whatever you want to it.

How have people been using it? 
Well with any photo editing software, this is right in life with what you'd expect out of a full featured photo editing site.

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Oh yeah, I can't see any area this tool wouldn't be a must have!

What do you want your Your Choice Tool to say about you? That my main focus is on productivity, and speed, and this tool does exactly that, the main fact being it's free and fast!

One other thing you learned
. That it makes it so you don't have to be at your home computer with Photoshop installed. This offers you all sorts of advantages that you wouldn't want to be without.

My Choice -

What Your Choice Tool did you select? The tool I picked is and it's an organization membership site, where you can set goals, and break them down into their smallest parts. I feel this is a must have for anyone wanting to do anything in life. 

Describe why you selected this tool. The reason I selected this tool is because there are all sorts of tools on the internet, yet most don't give you direct control as this one does. For example, say you have an idea for an invention, this tool provides you with the space to build and flesh out all the details you may have for that idea.

What was most important to you? For me it was that it's free, ideally we want the tools we use to be free, and quick to produce the given need we have, and this tool does exactly that! I think it's something everyone should check out, and see just how simple, easy and exciting the potential it holds.

How easy is the tool to use? 
Simply sign up, log in, and start clicking. You click and drag circles, (which you use to hold an idea) from there you can break them down into their smaller parts. 

How have people been using it? 
From brain storming, goal setting, to inventions, the possibilities are endless, and speaking from experience this is a very exciting tool!

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Oh yeah, I can't see any area this tool wouldn't be a must have!

What do you want your Your Choice Tool to say about you? That my main focus is on productivity, and speed, and this tool does exactly that!

How can you protect your privacy? You can give it any-name you want so your privacy is upheld.

One other thing you learned
. Well the fact that you can use a calendar to track your progress, and focus in on all the ideas you want to complete by a given time, this tool is really powerful and offers all sorts of areas of use.

Monday, April 20, 2015

My 2 Google Tools

Tool 1: Google Chrome
What Google Tool did you select? I selected the tool Google Chrome.

Describe why you selected the Google tool that you did. I selected this tool, because I’m at the computer almost 80% of the day, and 90% of that is used on the web. Now having been using computers for almost 25 years now, I’ like things to go quick, not give me problems, and do exactly what I’m expecting.

What was most important to you? It’s free, fast, simple, and offers more security to my computer than all other browsers I’ve used, (excluding the ones on Linux)

How easy was it to use? Very! Simply press a button to download, and then go through the installation process. After that, you’re simply at the helm of what looks like most other internet browsers. I like also how it hides a lot of what you don’t need or want to see.

Check out any available examples of the Google tool that you chose. How have people been using it? For browsing websites, understanding / reverse engineering other people’s websites, internet marketing, leisure, entertainment, research, the list really goes on!
What might you use the Google tool for? Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? I not only use it for all of the reason I listed above, but I've used it for both personal and professional.

What do you want your Google tool to say about you? That if it’s slow, and too complex, then I’m not interested!

How can you protect your privacy? Simply view pages incognito mode. This makes it so the websites you visit aren’t keeping track of you. It also reduces the amount of hard drive record that keeps your history.
Do you want to? Don’t really care to.

One other thing you learned. As with anything I tend to learn all sorts of things, but being that I’ve used this tool myself for as long as it’s been out, I think the major thing is that it’s flexible! You can add and remove all sorts of things to it through the use of extensions.

Tool 2: Image Search

What Google Tool did you select? I picked the google Image search, where you can simply type in a keyword and various images will be populated for you in seconds. You can find it at this address.

Describe why you selected the Google tool that you did. The reason I picked this tool, is because I’m always looking for images. Be it for ideas related to various desktop wallpaper, ideas for stories to write about, or to see other professional photos. This tool is infinite in the possibilities of use.

What was most important to you? Well with most tools, it’s simple. It gets right to the point within seconds. And you’re not required to give them any personal information to use it.

How easy was it to use? Hmm, how easy is it? It’s as easy as typing a word, idea, phrase, or a combination of the like. Then click the blue hourglass button, and you’re done!

Check out any available examples of the Google tool that you chose. How have people been using it? Again, all of the examples I gave above are ways in which people are using it. Say for example you want to see a dvd cover that you don’t own yet, and you wanted to find out what year that movie was released in. Well find a copy of that dvd’s image, (where you can see the back) simple download the image and zoom in. I wouldn't attempt to list every possible idea that people have for using this tool, but in the short view it’s to simply get images.

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Well I know personally you can use it with no issues, and there isn't anything to be said about privacy here. As far as professionally, you could use it as a source of inspiration, or find various prints you would want to use in business.

What do you want your Google tool to say about you? That like Google, I too am simple in what I expect out of a tool, I mean just get on with it already is my parting idea!

One other thing you learned? An idea came to me which I hadn't thought about before in the process of writing answers to the questions on this tool, and that is we can sometimes get overwhelmed with things in life, and if we simply break down what we’re wanting to do, say start with a list, and then use some tool like Google’s image search, to match up the missing pieces in that list, were more likely to actually reach a goal we set.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Web tool number 2 -

What category is your tool from?

Which tool did you choose? storage

Why did you choose it? I’m always wanting to send videos or large files, and the idea of a free service which offers this is almost priceless, in fact it is. That’s why it’s free!

How easy is it to use? It’s very easy, simply point click, drag and drop.

How have people been using this tool? For the same reasons I gave above.

What might you use the tool for? Blogs, places to host content, new websites for various nich markets etc.

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Oh yeah.

One other thing you learned. While there are many sites out there like this, I’m sure it will offer a lot more value in that you can send up to 2gb file sizes.

Web tool number 1 -

What category is your tool from? Creation.

Which tool did you choose? Breezi

Why did you choose it? Because I’m always looking for faster and simpler ways to build websites, and while I love WordPress for its mass of themes, there are some drawbacks at times when I have an idea in mind, and finding the right theme just eludes me.

How easy is it to use? It’s very easy, simply point click, drag and drop.

How have people been using this tool? Well this is pretty obvious, for the creation of various websites, although I don’t see it having a ton of commercial uses, it could possess those.

What might you use the tool for? Blogs, places to host content, new websites for various nich markets etc.

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Oh yeah.

One other thing you learned. That there are thousands of sites out there just like this.

About my E-Portfolio Experience.

Which E Portfolio did you choose? The eFolioweb tool I signed up for is eFolioMinnesota.

How easy was it to use? It seems very user-friendly, a lot of buttons to click on, but my overall impression is it seems like it was designed back in the early 90s.

How have people been using E Portfolio's? They can be used to provide a means for assessment based on evidence of an individual’s growth over time and effort. This enables the learner’s work to be viewed using a variety of artifacts – graphics, pictures, multimedia, stories, journals, or projects

What might you use an online portfolio for? Holding any of my past creative, academic, and professional works.

Do you think you could use it professionally or personally? Yeah, if I’m not lazy and want to spend the time to put my past successes in one centralized internet location.

What do you want your E Portfolio to say about you? At this moment, nothing. It’s being signed up for as a school assignment, and if I have any real interest in this sort of thing I’ll resort to my own domain where I can design everything from the grown up.

One other thing you learned. There are a lot of tools out there that people seem to find a need for. Interesting idea for some potential product ideas in various online markets.